5.6 Batch issuing cards

If you have more than one card to issue, you can request and issue cards in batches using the Batch Request Card and Batch Collect Card workflows.

5.6.1 Requesting a batch of cards

You can request a batch of cards for people using the Batch Request Card workflow.

To request a batch of cards:

  1. From the Cards category, click Batch Request Card.

    You can also launch this workflow from the Batch section of the More category in the MyID Operator Client. See the Using Batch workflows section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.

  2. Use the Find Person screen to search for the people to whom you want to issue cards.
  3. In the Search Results screen, select one or more people then click Next.

  4. Select the credential profile you want to use from the list, then click OK.

    If the users are selected from your directory, they are added to the MyID database.

    MyID validates the users against the selected credential profile. If a user does not pass any requisite data checks set up on the credential profile (for example, if the credential profile is designed for Windows logon, and the user does not have a UPN) no request is created for that user. See the Requisite User Data section in the Administration Guide for details.

  5. Optionally, type a Job label then click Continue.

    MyID creates card request jobs for each of the people you selected. If the credential profile you selected requires secondary validation, you must validate each request individually using the Validate Request workflow.

5.6.2 Collecting a batch of cards

You can collect a batch of cards in one operation. You can collect cards that have been requested as a batch, or cards that have been requested individually.

To collect a batch of cards:

  1. From the Cards category, click Batch Collect Card.

    You can also launch this workflow from the Batch section of the More category in the MyID Operator Client. See the Using Batch workflows section in the MyID Operator Client guide for details.

  2. Enter the search details for the job, then click Search.

    If you entered a label for the job in the Batch Request Card workflow, you can add a Job Label field to the filter to search only those requests.

    The default filters provide a list of options that are suitable for the majority of batch collections. For example, you are recommended to use PIN Requirement Does Not Equal User PIN, and use an automatically-generated PIN instead; cards set for manual PIN entry are skipped by the workflow. You are also recommended to use Pre-assigned Equals No, as jobs that require a card with a specific serial number are skipped by the workflow.

    For details of using search filters, see section 2.2.3, Using advanced search.

    Note: The search returns a maximum of 500 jobs. You can specify a lower number if you set a Job Limit in the filter. If more jobs match your search criteria than you specify in the Job Limit, these jobs are returned in database order, not necessarily date order, and may contain partial selections from several different batches. You are recommended to use the search filters to return only those records you want to process.

  3. Click Search.

    The list of matching jobs appears.

  4. Select the jobs you want to collect.

    You can select some or all of the jobs in the list. To select all of the jobs, click the check box at the top of the list.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Set the options for issuing the card:

    • Print card layouts – the default card layout as specified in the credential profile, or the card layout specified through the Lifecycle API, is used to print each card.
    • Print mailing documents to default printer – the mailing document specified in the credential profile for each card is sent to your Windows default printer.

      Note: If you are printing mailing documents, make sure that your default printer is a document printer, and not a card printer.

    • Suppress job errors during batch processing – any errors that occur are not displayed, but are included in the audit log.

    Note: ATR errors, which are caused by MyID being unable to recognize the type of card being presented, will still appear on screen.

    If you suppress job errors, a warning that the credential is not configured in accordance with your security settings (for example, GlobalPlatform keys have not been configured) results in the card not being issued; if you choose not to suppress job errors, you can override these warnings individually.

  7. Click Next.

    MyID issues and prints the cards one by one. If an individual collection job fails, it is returned to the list of available jobs, and you can re-run the Batch Collect Card workflow to collect it.

    Information about the number of successfully-collected jobs and failed jobs is displayed at the end of the workflow.